Based on INLPTA Qualification CRITERIA

Dynamic Body of Knowledge Masterclass (Includes INLPTA NLP Practitioner Certification Training)

Master the Art of Human Development and Transformational Change.
Applies to Leaders, Coach, Trainers, HR, Executives, Managers, Therapists with Other Modalities 
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Influence and Witness Phenomenal Results.
All of the magnificent, magical and miraculous aspects of you. Reveal.
You are always, in all ways, in exquisite divine expression.

Hybrid Model

In-room/group learnings
18 Days Contact

Digital - Self Paced Classes


Learning Manual
Digital Resources
Online Community


INLPTA Integration Questions
In room group work
Individual Assessment

2 Certificates

Dynamic Body of Knowledge
NLP  Communications 
INLPTA Practitioner Certification
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The Power of Language: Revealing the Secrets to Effective Communication

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You will Explore the essential tools and techniques for deep rapport building in communication to deliver truly remarkable outcomes.

When we dive into the world of transformative language patterns these skills will enhance  communication and  empower those around you.

Within our multi-layer learning, some focuses are:

  • Unleashing the Potential of Natural Language: Gain a deep understanding of the intricacies of human communication and how to harness its power to create positive change.
  • Empowering Through Inquiry: Master the art of asking significant and thought-provoking questions that challenge conventional thinking, releasing stuck ways of being and reveal new choices.
  • Liberating the Mind: Learn swift and effective methods to shift limiting thought patterns and unlock the full potential of creative thinking.
  • Shifting Perspectives: Develop the ability to instantly change your point of view and overcome mental obstacles that hinder progress.
  • Navigating the Inner Workings of the Brain: Delve into the fascinating world of cognitive processes and learn how to leverage these mechanisms and filters of experience to enhance your communication skills.
  • Anchoring Strengths and Resources: Discover how to tap into the inherent strengths and resources of others through a series of techniques that sets easy access for future situations where they can nurture an environment of choice and resilience.  
  • Crafting Artfully Ambiguous Language:   To cultivate the skill of using deliberately vague language to spark significant inner emerging change that will empower and drive meaningful self chosen lasting transformation.

As you Immerse

within the journey to master the power of language and transform the way you communicate within the world around you.  You will again become more convinced within yourself that your decision to participate was a powerful evolutionary moment.

Apply the Dynamic Resources of NLP in Results and Performance

Learn to use all the related tools, to apply into your workspace that gets RESULTS!
  • You will enhance your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field
  • Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional
  • The skills you will learn will boost your 'Thriving' within your career.
  • Learn to Master the tools used by the world's top professionals

Communication and Language:
  • Develop multiple layer rapport-building skills to establish strong connections with others.
  • Master the Meta-Model and use to get to elicit clarified originations of and explore the applied deletions, distortions and generations that when released make a considerable difference.
  • Create artful application of the Milton-Model for effective communication and persuasion.
  • Learn various anchoring techniques to influence emotions and responses in yourself and others.
  • Utilize sub-modalities and strategies to enhance communication and problem-solving.

Personal Transformation:
  • Integrate conflicting parts and enhance self-awareness through Parts Integration.
  • Create a Circle of Excellence to anchor empowering states for personal transformation.
  • Utilize timeline techniques for resolving past issues and setting compelling future outcomes.
  • Set well-formed outcomes and generate new behaviors to achieve desired results.

Emotional Mastery:
  • Learn advanced anchoring techniques for emotional mastery and influence.
  • Utilize the Swish Pattern for transforming limiting beliefs and behaviors.
  • Apply timeline techniques and parts therapy for resolving emotional blocks.
  • Master the fast phobia cure technique for addressing phobias and fears.

  • Deepen understanding of representational systems and predicates to enhance communication and self-awareness.
  • Apply Meta-Model technologies for identifying and challenging limiting beliefs and assumptions.
  • Use Stacking Anchors for enhancing self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Apply perceptual positions for gaining insights and perspectives in different situations.

Goal Setting and Achievement:
  • Set compelling outcomes using well-formed outcome criteria.
  • Generate new behaviors and strategies to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Utilize timeline techniques for aligning goals with personal values and future pacing.
  • Develop strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

    Relationship Building:
  • Master rapport-building skills for establishing trust and connection with others.
  • Utilize the Meta-Model and Milton-Model for effective communication in relationships.
  • Apply Parts Integration for resolving team conflicts and enhancing relationships.
  • Use perceptual positions for gaining insights within creative strategy environments
Please note that these learning outcomes are in no way an inclusive list and will be individualized in detail within the programme.  Many models have layers and layers to their meaning, understanding, application and variation.
DYnamic body of knowledge masterclass
NLP PRACTITIONER certification - 18 Days

Unlock the Secrets of the Human Mind / Body and Explore Self Leadership extensively

Your extraordinary journey to explore the complex interplay between the human brain, mind and body opens the awareness of self and our relating with other continues. 

Your participation within the learnings and applications of the unlearning and new learnings within the program is designed to empower you. Then, empowered by the knowledge and application as a conscious leader, you are adept at navigating the multi-layered nature of human awareness.

As you Experience for yourself, and Witness in others, the transformative power and vast applications unfolding within the learning experiences.   A sound sense of inspiration begins to birth,  as we delve into:

  • Working with the Human Mind: Gain a deep insight into the intricate workings the neurological processes that shape thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
  • Enhancing Self-Awareness: Develop a heightened understanding of your own thoughts, emotions, and motivations.  This will empower you to make more informed decisions aligned with your authentic self expression.
  • Cultivating Ecology: Establishing a deep acknowledgement of the 'whole system of an individual'.  Being able to pace and lead their 'learned connections' from their past experience and remaining highly attuned to ensure 'what is best for the whole of their system' is maintained within an individual for all and any change to be ecologically sound.
  • Harnessing the Mind-Body Connection: Experience through felt-sense and meta awareness, the profound impact of the mind-body cybernetic loop and relationship to states of being. Utilise techniques to optimize this powerful connection for peak performance.
  • Embracing Responsibility and Accountability: Master the principles of conscious leadership to create a positive and nurturing environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, and success.  PLUS empowering others to be self responsible at all levels within in their own evolution.
  • Navigating the Layers of Awareness: Develop a deeper understanding of the multi-faceted nature of human awareness, enabling you to guide others on their journey within self-discovery and their next level personal development.

You will know for yourself the dynamic body of knowledge within you.   

This will set you on high performance fire to live your full potential more often.  This will utterly transform the way life unfolds for you and the unintentional consequences for the people around you begin to show up in positive and rewarding ways.

That is:  You Bring out the Best in Others Too!

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DYnamic body of knowledge masterclass
NLP PRACTITIONER certification - 18 Days

"Performance Enhancers:
Tried, True and Proven  Technologies that work"

Your adaptable and flexible technique toolbox grows continuously during the programme.  Layer upon layer of Theory, Models, and Application Practices will results in Practical Real Life Results.

Continuously Unlocking Dynamic Bodies of Knowledge in a masterful and ecological way. Your potential further expands in possibility and probability to profound execution and results. 

Gain excellence in the following focus areas:

  • Conflict Resolution: Resolve internal conflict and cultivate inner harmony.  Learn the very powerful process of recognising, working with, creating outcomes, negotiating between parts and setting up agreed resolutions that support the whole of the person that you are working with.  It is such a magnificent and exquisite process that leaves the thinking mind humbled.
  • Facilitate the Clearing and Release Emotional Trauma:  You will Evolve your skills to be able to with speed and grace faciliate the release of associative trauma memory within a person and replace assist them in creating new and positive ways of responding and behaving within the chosen context of their lives.
  • Radical Impact Over and Over:  Replace disempowering habits with positive new habits with a toolbox of interventions to choose from.
  • Timeline Therapy:   Recognise, elicit, install and work in outcome focused precision with people's lifelines, timelines, past, present, and future in life design.
  • The Powerful Work of Strategies In Action:  Study, recognise, elicit, install and explore strategies. a significant and expansive body of work that we approach from the Practitioner Level.  You will be surprised how skilled you become in working with strategies across large contexts of application.
  • Influence and Model Emotional Intelligence Practices:  Maximize your understanding and applications of emotional intelligence with state elicitation, anchoring and future pacing, this will impact all aspects of your evolutionary Practitioner status.
  • Lead the way with Confidence: Create wellformed outcomes that pave a revolutionary and exempliary approach across contexts of life, ensuring when you are working with behavioural change your work covers each area that is important within the current scenario and future proofs useful behaviours aligned to the intentional outcome. 

Along this transformative journey you will learn the "How To" of personal development and transformation. Step into the high level skills that Dynamic Body of Knowledge and the NLP Practitioner Certification offers and become the leader  who is known to experience and support unparalleled growth and success!

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Activate the Art of Self-Mastery and Transform the Lives of Others

During your transformative journey with our Dynamic Body of Knowledge remembrance which is designed to align you to access the secrets of self-awareness and re-code your true potential.

Navigate using the power of NLP Technologies as a catalyst first learning the technician status and then evolving your own Artistic Flow.

You will in explore In depth:

  • Establishing Personal and Professional Boundaries: Understand where you begin and end in any moment, cultivating a strong sense of self and other awareness cultivating and nurturing deeply trusting states of rapport and igniting intra and inter personal healthy relating.
  • Unraveling the Layers of Self: Delve deep into your inner workings and discover the patterns, beliefs, and habits that have shaped identity.  Learn how to work with "Identity" in powerful ways that invite a significant difference in the lives of the upgraded identity.
  • Decoding Personal Strategies: Identify, analyse, create and install strategies processes that have influence in the deciding  process and directly link to behavioural actions.
  • Elevating Personal Empowerment: Learn to harness your innate deep inner resources strengths and abilities, elevating your sense of attending to what really matters when working with others and your own personal mastery.
  • Expanding Conscious Awareness: Develop a heightened sense of Calibration and awareness, enabling you to intentionally and authentically support another person in their personal evolution.
  • Accelerating Integration: Practice techniques for rapidly assimilating new learnings and insights through future pacing and catalysing intentional new ways of being that are ecological and have longevity.
  • Navigating the Unknown: Cultivate the skills to confidently embrace uncertainty, explore with purpose new territories within the powerful unconscious mind and create magic in your life.
  • Transforming Lives:  Gain a significant ability to facilitate Interventions both consciously and unconsciously when working with other people.  Knowing which Intervention works, when, why and how.     This will provide a confidence as you apply your newfound self-mastery skills to facilitate meaningful change in the lives of others, becoming a beacon of inspiration and empowerment.

As a result of your personal transformation through the very process of learning the interventions and technologies you will be equipped to inspire and empower others, 

You will be able to confidently guide them on their own journey towards self-discovery, high performance and personal growth.
As layer upon layer you Harness the power of personal self-mastery you will not only transform your own life to a new level of excellent, but also make a lasting impact on the lives of those around you.

As your Journey streamlines within the Dynamic Body of Knowledge program and your technical abilities grow your flow in the artistic sense will blossom in the pursuit of self-mastery.

Authentically shape your destiny
from the inside out and this will reveal a trail of techniques for you to be able to reproduce excellence more often, so that even on a 'bad day in the office or elsewhere' you are able to resource yourself knowing what the next best action to take is.
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Dynamic Body of Knowledge: NLP Practitioner Certification 

Welcome to the Dynamic Body of Knowledge program

An intensive learning experience that combines
Practitioner level NLP Technologies woven with the powerful practice of self-awareness, life design, embodiment practices (from a yoga influence) to enhance full body/mind/soul integration.

Our experienced training team will support you in multi-layered ways as you explore, learn, practice and embody the
Dynamic Body of Knowledge, NLP principles and techniques. While you are learning you will have hands-on guidance and feedback to help you develop and hone your skills. 

We believe that learning is
fun and engaging, so we've designed our program to be full of personality and energy! You'll have plenty of opportunities to practice and refine your techniques. You will have loads of opportunities to work with and alongside other participants from different industries which will broaden your application of the skills gained. 

Set in our boutique 'Dynamic Butterfly Studio' on 40 acres of farm and bushland within the beautiful hills of Manawahe in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. You will journey with like-minded individuals who are
passionate about personal leadership excellence, transformation and making a difference.  

Learning how to learn: shifting from ‘knowledgeable' to applied wisdom will be an embedded practice throughout the entire process and our team is dedicated to inspiring lifelong learning and personal evolution.

By the end of the program, yourself, your customers, your clients or in your work situation; you will have gained the confidence and skills necessary to communicate effectively and facilitate transformation.

Your toolbox of skills and
magnificent technologies will be plentiful. You will be ready to apply them across various areas of life, including personal relationships, career development, and overall well-being.

Write your awesome label here.

LOCATION:  'Dynamic Butterfly Studio', Herepuru Road, Matata, Eastern Bay of Plenty.  Full Immersion Training - Accommodation available on site or in the local area.

Our INLPTA Accredited program

is designed to provide a jam-packed, generative learning experience.  It will equip you with the skills, knowledge and readiness to achieve personal excellence, business performance also the art of transformational coaching.  You will confidently work with others in your field of application.

There are three Certifications that you can work towards:

  • NLP Practitioner in Business Communications
  • Dynamic Body of Knowledge Masterclass
  • INLPTA Practitioner

*NLP Practitioner is a pre-requisite to Master Practitioner

Completion of all criteria will be a demonstration of your expertise and commitment to personal evolution.  

Your Future You
will lead significant and ongoing opportunities for others to be their best in areas that will completely amaze and astound you.

Your unforgettable journey
 starts now

We promise it will be a rewarding and yes, intensive, jam-packed, and energetic experience that will leave you feeling empowered and inspired.  

You are an important part of a synergistic group
of learners contributing toward our co-created collective as we collaborate together.

Apply today

Dynamic Body of Knowledge & NLP  Practitioner Certification

Full Immersion
936 Herepuru Road, Matata, Bay of Plenty

Zoom room
Seats may be available on request.
BLOCK 1 - 4 Days

18 - 21 April 24

Block 2 - 4 Days

9 - 12 May 24

Block 3 - 5 Days

22 - 26 May 24

Block 4 + Integration - 5 Days

5 - 9 June 24

Connect with Us

If you would like to discuss outcomes contact us.

Early Bird Price
$3500 (inc gst) paid before 28 February 24

Deposit $400 to hold your space (payment Plans available)


Your Guide for your certification

Karyn Janelle Davis

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It is an honor to travel alongside a co-creative group as a guide in the journey of Dynamic Body of Knowledge and NLP Practitioner Certification.

My entire career has been crafted around the best technologies, methods, interventions, modalities and embodiment practices that I can find in the Pursuit of Excellence in Expression.  The 'Magnificence of Who you Really Are' continues to unfold as I continue to share the learnings that I have uncovered on my own path.

From an identification perspective:
  I am; a business owner, trainer of coaches and facilitators, Multiple Modality Coach and Mentor, Yoga Instructor, passionate about our whenua and growing our own produce, a mother of two adult children, sister, wife, daughter etc...

What I know is that my whole essence and purpose is to create spaces where people connect to their next level of evolution and expression.  I'm always in awe of the unfolding process.


Learn your Own Mastery.  Be supported on your Dynamic Body of Knowledge & NLP learning journey by a team of specialists who hold transformation and excellence as the highest value possible.
 Develop a Significant Energy and Vibrational awareness
 BONUS value multimedia tools for extra learning
 Body movement classes included in working breaks
 Intuition and intuitive growth
 Belong to a community of like minded souls


This comprehensive programme includes all training days, support material, workbook and handouts, Online Resources and community.
PLUS Bonus offerings by Karyn from her huge array of resources in personal and spiritual development.
Including Recommended Reading Lists

 Willingness to participate in transformational change
 Full in room attendance of 18 days required
 Complete the Digital Learning readings and practical's, 
 Completion of Integration Assignments 
 2 x Case Studies
 Self Regulated Study Group attendance recommended 
 Self Evaluation Presentation
 Shown Integration of the skills learnt

Apply today

Dynamic Body of Knowledge & NLP Practitioner Certification

Full Immersion
936 Herepuru Road, Matata, Bay of Plenty

Zoom room
Seats may be available on request.
BLOCK 1 - 4 Days

18 - 21 April 24

Block 2 - 4 Days

9 - 12 May 24

Block 3 - 5 Days

22 - 26 May 24

Block 4 + Integration - 5 Days

5 - 9 June 24

Connect with Us

If you would like to discuss outcomes contact us.

Early Bird Price$3500 (inc gst) paid before 28 February 24

Deposit $400 to hold your space (payment Plans available)



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“Nothing but love for this training, learning and the amazing skills of the trainer. The safety and consideration for all participants, the safety of environment, space and time to allow the learning to take pace, flexibility to adapt if needed - skill of reading states, environment etc. Modelling of fun, learning, playfulness, use of language, definitions, recognition and acknowledgement of learnings of participants. Thank you for the amazing skills and genuine care… I am resourced and have everything I need!” 
Paula Hona
New Zealand
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"Throughout my journey in NLP, I have explored the unexplored crevices of myself, and have learnt to understand the deeper inner workings of us, as human beings. I have gained life skills that will stay with me forever. And I aspire to share and change the world with the love and light this course has shown me. I cannot express in words how grateful I am to take part in this magikal programme, which is full of the most beautiful souls. Thank you for facilitating a safe space for transformation and growth to take place. Thank you Karyn I appreciate and love you”. 
Rongomai Timison
New Zealand
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"I completed the Dynamic Bodies of Knowledge and NLP Practitioner Course in 2019, it was absolutely amazing! The skills and awareness I have obtained during this time, the personal transformation, the skill set I can use within my family, the people around me and creating my career is profound. Karyn is a brilliant and shining mentor/teacher, opening up new worlds and possibilities in seconds. This course is perfect whether it’s personal growth and development you’re after, generally understanding other people better, as a career itself or career enhancer. Thank you with all my heart, Karyn. ""I completed the Dynamic Bodies of Knowledge and NLP Practitioner Course in 2019, it was absolutely amazing! The skills and awareness I have obtained during this time, the personal transformation, the skill set I can use within my family, the people around me and creating my career is profound. Karyn is a brilliant and shining mentor/teacher, opening up new worlds and possibilities in seconds. This course is perfect whether it’s personal growth and development you’re after, generally understanding other people better, as a career itself or career enhancer. Thank you with all my heart, Karyn. " 
Lynley Erin Rice
New Zealand
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“Everything I have learnt over the last 6 months has been magical.  I am absolutely amazed at what life changing skills I have developed.  I have loved every step of the journey through NLP and have had my greatest life lessons learnt and overcome.  I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity and will continue to use the tools and skills I have developed all throughout my life.  I thank you with all of my heart.”   
Raiha Savage
New Zealand

Investment in Yourself

Looking at NLP you are effectively looking at a life changing experience.  The learnings that you will explore cover all life areas, span such a depth that you will no longer be the person who you currently know yourself to be.   The impact you will have with others will be significant, and transformational.

The shared experience itself, plus the skills gained place you in a responsibility of empowerment and being at choice in life again.

If you truly desire to participate - there is always a way to make it happen.  Talk to Karyn directly regarding how this may be possible, rather than opting yourself out before you even get going.  

Some Keys to Deciding: 

  • Know What You Want
  • Create the Rich Vibrant Inner Landscape of Already Having it
  • Be aware of the Type of Person you Will need to BECOME in order to have that Creation Present in your Life.
  • Be Utterly Willing
  • Take Action

Upgrade the Magic Maker within You

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“Thankful for the opportunity to participate in this programme, fully supported by our amazing and magical tutor and her wonderful support team. I felt change in myself from day one of this programme, evolving consistently and naturally throughout. I have achieved my outcomes in time and grateful for the skills I now have to create change not only in myself, but in others. I know now, that I can confidently go out into the world and grow and learn even more. Thank you.“ 
Tangiora Hunt
New Zealand
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“Ecology!! Every tick list was ticked.  More were created, then they were ticked.  Empty tick boxes were created so that very beautiful ticks could be placed - pages and pages and pages of ticked boxes accompanied by expectations and revelations, surprise appearances were created.  All while you took care to support, lead, teach, inspire everyone in the room while effortlessly keeping in line all of our individual ecological needs. You are beautiful, awesome, magical Karyn you are so very perfectly you.” 
Sally Rich
New Zealand
“When you are truly ready (if this is for you), I know from my own personal experience - that everything aligns and before you know it, your world becomes a different place.” 
Karyn Janelle Davis
Lesson series

Dynamic Body of Knowledge & NLP Practitioner Certification

Excel in Leading and Facilitating Transformational Change within every area of your life. Upgrade your skills in a profound way so that you can truly make a difference.
Write your awesome label here.


4 Separate Blocks Of Training 
We live on 40 acres in the Manawahe Hills. We have accommodation available onsite (for those who would like to fully immerse into the learning, bushwalks, yoga, shared meals and farmlife), for those who would like to accommodate in towns near by - Whakatane and Kawerau are under 40 minutes away, Te Puke and Papamoa are 45 minutes away. Rotorua and Tauranga are 1 hour. Best fit - will occur through knowing the preferences of the specific individual.


International Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainers Association
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Our INLPTA-accredited program is designed to provide a jam-packed, generative learning experience that will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve personal growth and transformation, and to confidently work with others in your field of application. By the end of the program, you'll earn three certifications: INLPTA, NLP Practitioner, and Dynamic Body of Knowledge, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to personal growth and transformation.