21 Days of Integration and Embodiment Practices

Embodiment Practice

A Glorious journey within, originally designed for Divine Feminine Symposium with Monica Ramirez Austin Texas in 2023.    From a very practical basis everything else is relevant to any growth journey that you undertake within yourself.

Support Your Journey

Gently embodying the work that you are doing.


A glorious and delicate way of Embodying the Divinity that you are in a practical way. Igniting the importance of a Daily Practice. This reciprocal gift is specifically for the You.
By following this simple system:
You will support the ongoing essence of embodying your learnings in practical and deliberate ways.

Claim Your Gift 

Please note this was originally designed for a Divine Feminine Symposium that Monica Ramirez from Texas USA held in 2023.

21 PLUS Of Embodiment Practices

A Glorious Journey within the Divine Feminine from a very practical basis. Gently embodying the work that you are doing.

 Part 1 - Self Care

Let's start with the basics in life. Breathe, the life giving force, the conscious awareness of your breath.  Water, for the cells and functions in our body.  Sleep, for deep renewal. Light foods that are grounding are easily digestible in nature.   
Part 1, Step 1 - The Basic Basics

Part 2 - Continue Momentum

We build scenarios of things that could be, might be etc.  Building a trust and being in the unknown, is where we really evolve. 
Part 2 - Step 1 - Feeling Safe in the Unknown

Part 3 - Increase Awareness

Making a daily practice is a plan. Consistency and falling in love with the discipline of daily practice. is important. Instead of just responding to what's landed in our day, rather than proactively choosing our daily practice.
Part 3, Step 1 - Making a Daily Practice.

Created by

Karyn Janelle Davis

Founder and Teacher of Dynamic Butterfly Academy
About me
An expert in human development and with a wide variety of applied toolbox training skills. She always comes from an holistic approach to the entire person and their environment, teaching high level skills in the areas of human science, excellence and deliverable results.

Embodiment Practice